Work from Home: How to Stay Productive When Working from Home

In the current global context, remaining productive could be quite challenging for some of the employees working from home. It is absolutely normal to find yourself struggling with certain tasks and behaviours that were not seen as a threat in the office environment, yet not working as well and even affecting your productivity when working from home.

The first important step is to take the time to process your new setting and acknowledge that some changes are required. Here are some tips to help you remain productive while working from home during COVID-19 outbreak.

  1. Flexibility: Learn how to be flexible and have a conversation with your team member on how they define flexibility in order to be aligned with your expectations. When Flexibility is clear you and your team can be better prepared for any unexpected situations without facing disappointments and become overwhelmed

  2. Think Productivity rather than Perfectionism: Don’t let your pursuit for perfectionism get in the way of the result. Focus on the progress of the process and learn to accept that there will always be something that can be improved later on.

  3. Create a NOT-to-do-list: Unlike what it is mostly done which is creating a to- do-list, write down a list of things that you know will cause delays or distract you from your work, the so called NOT To Do list. Try to avoid tangling yourself in doing things that will not add value. A suitable example for the “Work from Home” situation, one thing not to do would probably be to agree NOT to have a virtual meeting with people unless there is a clear objective for that meeting.

  4. Turn off the News apps notifications: It is certainly expected to find ourselves constantly checking the news apps and social media to get updates on the current global situation. However, this is crucial and could have a major negative impact on your work productivity. Protect your focus at work by scheduling brief times throughout the day to check the news then turns off news apps notifications and build a mental firewall.

  5. Be patient: Working from home could be a new process for many of us and getting upset with your team members or your manager, might not be the most productive thing to do. Accept that there will be some tasks taking longer to be delivered or done differently. Not everyone quite understands how to use technology properly and most of us share this new work setting with other family members that are also adjusting to this situation as well. Therefore, don’t get annoyed because a co-worker’s dog can’t stop barking or a baby is crying in the background during your conference call.

Work from Home: How to Stay Productive When Working from Home

Hope these tips would be useful and we invite you to share any additional useful tips that you have personally tried in the comments 
Hang on in there and this too shall pass! 



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